Diabetes 24

sabato 19 gennaio 2013

Cure Diabetes Naturally.

Are you ready to free yourself from diabetes?

Now you can use Clinically Proven Methods that the big
pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know.  Rid your body
of toxins that keep you from healing your body and fight


Over the past 25 years, Dr. Jacob Swilling has been treating
deadly diseases, including diabetes with natural, allopathic
medicine and is now sharing his techniques and results with the
rest of the world.

These natural cures actually work!

You might think you know everything there is to know about
diabetes, but I am going to bet you only know what the
pharmaceutical companies want you to know.

Here's the Latest Research and Diabetic Cures!


"Cure Diabetes Naturally" shows you everything you need to know
about diabetes -- including, the latest research on how to
slowly get away from using drugs and take your life back.

You will transform your life.


The techniques and research designed by Dr. Swilling can NOT be
found anywhere else. You're never going to get this information
from your doctor or pharmaceutical companies, because they don't
spend enough time with you to truly help you -- and unfortunately
because it's not profitable for them.

They'd prefer you remain sick, use their drugs, and completely
depend on them for your life.

You deserve a healthy and happy life.

Diabetes is an epidemic in the world with over 228 million people
diagnosed with the disease. So please clink on the link below and
you will see how you will transform your life or the lives of
your family or friends who have the disease.

Get Started on a Healthier New Future Now!


mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Revealed: The Shocking Truth About Diabetes!

Here's important news for anyone with diabetes. A remarkable E-Book is now available that reveals scientifically proven principles that can help trigger your body to produce more insulin naturally, reversing diabetes symptoms without the need for medication.
Diabetes is a condition in which sugar is not properly absorbed by the body. Globally the incidence of diabetes is expected to exceed 250 million people by 2025 – resulting in 35 million heart attacks, 13 million strokes, 6 million episodes of renal failure, 8 million instances of blindness or eye surgery, 2 million amputations and 62 million deaths – that is a measure of the scale of the problem. While diabetes belongs at the top of the healthcare agenda, it has yet to be given that position.
According to the American Diabetes Association, there are 21 million diabetics in America; with another 54 million people having pre-diabetes (placing them at high risk for developing Type II diabetes). This equates to 75 million Americans having diabetes, or being at high risk.
With attention focused on blood sugar and insulin levels, however, the underlying cause of all the devastation has been overlooked. According to health advocate and best-selling author Matt Traverso, many doctors are failing to treat the real underlying cause of diabetes. Instead, they are treating the symptoms with chemicals and pharmaceutical medications that often leave the sufferers with side effects and a long term dependency on these drugs.
What some doctors may be failing to understand is that diabetes is not a disease, it is an outward reaction coming directly from the pancreas that results in the body no longer being able to produce normal amounts of insulin due to the pancreas being run down.

Matt Traverso's E-Book states, if the damage that is being done to the pancreas can be turned around, the organ will be given the chance to heal itself and then, gradually, it is possible for those who are dependent on insulin shots to be able to stop them all together. This means diabetes sufferers may no longer have to be dependant on the drugs and medications that are usually taken to treat the condition.

Top scientists such as Dr Robert O. Young, Dr Gabriel Cousens, Dr Fuhrman and many others (whose groundbreaking research forms the basis of this E-book) state that “diabetes is completely reversible”. This information sheds new light on how diabetes sufferers get the condition and how they can turn their illness around for good. The new finding on diabetes is being called "The Diabetes-Reversing Breakthrough" all through the western world. I would like to extend the opportunity to anyone who either suffers from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or is at high risk of getting the disease, to learn more about “The Diabetes-Reversing Breakthrough!”
So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:
Carmine Masciola

Mi chiamo carmine masciola sono nato in italia esattamente a roma il 10.04.1964 e da circa 25 anni sono diabetico di tipo 2  ( chi e' diabetico come me sa di cosa sto parlando  ahime!! )

Ho scoperto questa patologia circa 25 anni fa' quasi per caso avendo avuto un giramento di testa.

Come si fa' in questi casi ci si misura la glicemia ( tasso di zucchero nel sangue ) ; ebbi questa amara sorpresa e ebbi da subito un senso di scoramento e desolazione

Premetto che il diabete di tipo 2 cioe' alimentare come il mio e' ereditario; cosi in seguito ho scoperto che mio padre,un suo fratello e una sua sorella erano diabetici

Da quel momento la mia vita e' cambiata dal punto di vista alimentare dovendo seguire un regime alimentare attento ed equilibrato fatto di dieta e movimento.

Se prima mangiavo piu' del consentito oggi mangio regolato e le poche liberta' alimentari che mi prendo poi le riequilibrio con una dieta attenta.

Da molti anni frequento centri diabetici che mi aiutano molto  a preservare la salute

Concludo queste poche righe di questo post e spero possiate condividere insieme a me questa patologia che

attualmente interessa milioni di persone nel mondo

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